Even Actors Wanna Be In The Band
Backstage with Keanu, Quaid, Leto, others seeking rock stardom

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MAY 9--Since it's never good enough to be solely a movie star, famous actors and actresses are always fronting bands in a bid to replicate their success. Of course, usually it's a vanity project and a complete disaster (see: Don Johnson and Eddie Murphy). Still, that doesn't stop celebrities from piling onto tour buses and hitting the road to perform before small crowds nationwide. And with those gigs, of course, comes the production rider detailing the backstage needs of the star and his/her sidemen. On the following pages you'll find excerpts from the backstage riders of Keanu Reeves (Dogstar); Jared Leto (30 Seconds to Mars); Dennis Quaid (Dennis Quaid and the Sharks); Juliette Lewis (Juliette & The Licks); and Steven Seagal (Steven Seagal Band). While unable to vouch for their music, we are impressed with the relative restraint shown by these Hollywood stars. Though when you're playing before 136 people on a Thursday night in Buffalo, you probably can't be too grubby. (7 pages)